第63节 README 模板和设计

❤️💕💕记录sealosopen in new window开源项目的学习过程。k8s,docker和云原生的学习open in new window。Myblog:http://nsddd.topopen in new window


<h1 align="center" style="border-bottom: none">
        <a href="{blog}">{name}</a><br>
    ⭐️  Open source Instant Messaging Server  ⭐️ <br>

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    <a href="./README.md"><b>English</b></a><a href="./README_zh.md"><b>中文</b></a>


Awesome features


Note: You can get started quickly with {name}.

Contributing & Development

OpenIM Our goal is to build a top-level open source community. We have a set of standards, in the Community repositoryopen in new window.

If you'd like to contribute to this {name} repository, please read our contributor documentationopen in new window.

community meeting

We welcome everyone to join us and contribute to {name}, whether you are new to open source or professional. We are committed to promoting an open source culture, so we offer community members neighborhood prizes and reward money in recognition of their contributions. We believe that by working together, we can build a strong community and make valuable open source tools and resources available to more people. So if you are interested in {name}, please join our community and start contributing your ideas and skills!

We take notes of each biweekly meetingopen in new window in GitHub discussionsopen in new window, and our minutes are written in Google Docsopen in new window.

{name} maintains a public roadmapopen in new window. It gives a a high-level view of the main priorities for the project, the maturity of different features and projects, and how to influence the project direction.

about OpenIM


  • https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/automation: OpenIM Automation, cicd, and actions, Robotics.
  • https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/community: Community Management for OpenIM

Contains some common parts of the OpenIM community.

  • https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/automation: OpenIM Automation, cicd, and actions, Robotics.
  • https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/openim-sdk-core: The IMSDK implemented by golang can be used in IOS, Android, PC and other platforms.
  • https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server: Instant messaging IM server.
  • https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/community: Community Management for OpenIM.



Used By

OpenIM is used by the following companies ,let's write it down in ADOPTERopen in new windowS.

Please leave your use cases in the comments hereopen in new window.


Sealer is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSEopen in new window for the full license text.

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Thanks to our contributors!

# feishu-sheet-parser

<h1 align="center" style="border-bottom: none">
        <a href="{blog}">{name}</a><br>
    ⭐️  ESG Tracker: Automated Disclosure Monitoring  ⭐️ <br>

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<p align="center">
    <a href="./README.md"><b>English</b></a><a href="./README_zh.md"><b>中文</b></a>


## Awesome features

A system that monitors and tracks ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) disclosures and ratings from various public data sources. It collects ESG data points from sources like Feishu spreadsheets and makes them available through an administrative interface.

## Quickstart

> **Note**: You can get started quickly with {name}.

## Contributing & Development

{organization} Our goal is to build a top-level open source community. We have a set of standards, in the [Community repository](https://github.com/{organization}/community).

If you'd like to contribute to this {name} repository, please read our [contributor documentation](https://github.com/{github}/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).

## community meeting

We welcome everyone to join us and contribute to {name}, whether you are new to open source or professional. We are committed to promoting an open source culture, so we offer community members neighborhood prizes and reward money in recognition of their contributions. We believe that by working together, we can build a strong community and make valuable open source tools and resources available to more people. So if you are interested in {name}, please join our community and start contributing your ideas and skills!

We take notes of each [biweekly meeting](https://github.com/{github}/issues/381) in [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/{github}/discussions/categories/meeting), and our minutes are written in [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nx8MDpuG74NASx081JcCpxPgDITNTpIIos0DS6Vr9GU/edit?usp=sharing).

{name} maintains a [public roadmap](https://github.com/{organization}/community/tree/main/roadmaps). It gives a a high-level view of the main priorities for the project, the maturity of different features and projects, and how to influence the project direction.

## License

Sealer is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/{github}/tree/main/LICENSE) for the full license text.

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