第20节 新会议改变basefs

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关于basefs 的设计:



签字人:huaiyou huaiyou.cyz@alibaba-inc.comopen in new window

为了方便基础镜像制作者的使用,我们需要对 sealer 的 rootfs 定义进行规范。


  1. bin 等和 plugins 的用途基本相同,只是明确了使用方法。
  2. 阐明 Metadata、README.md 和 imageList 的用途。
  3. 新增 yamls 和 charts 两个目录,为用户提供更灵活扩展基础镜像的能力。
  4. 最后明确了scripts下不同脚本的用途。

为了方便基础镜像制作者的使用,我们需要标准化 sealer 的 rootfs 的定义。


  1. binetcplugins 这几个目录的使用基本不变,只是明确了使用方式。
  2. 明确定 scripts 下的不同脚本的用途。


cloud rootfs

cloud rootfs will package all the dependencies refers to the kubernetes cluster requirements

├── bin # binaries will be installed at all nodes' /usr/local/bin
│   ├── conntrack
│   ├── containerd-rootless-setuptool.sh
│   ├── containerd-rootless.sh
│   ├── crictl
│   ├── kubeadm
│   ├── kubectl
│   ├── kubelet
│   ├── nerdctl
│   ├── kubelet-pre-start.sh
│   ├── helm
│   └── seautil
├── etc # configs will be put into all nodes' sealer-rootfs
│   ├── 10-kubeadm.conf
│   ├── daemon.json
│   ├── docker.service
│   ├── audit-policy.yml
│   ├── kubeadm-config.yaml
│   ├── kubeadm-config.yaml.tmpl # a.b.c.tmpl will be rendered using envs and rename to a.b.c
│   └── kubelet.service
├── plugins # plugins can run on some hooks, such as pre-init-host, post-install, see more in the plugins documentation
│   └── disk_init_shell_plugin.yaml
├── scripts # scripts can use all ClusterFile's env as Linux env variables
│   ├── init-kube.sh # initialize kube* binaries on target hosts
│   ├── clean-kube.sh # remove kube* binaries from target hosts
│   ├── init-container-runtime.sh # initialize container runtime binaries on target hosts
│   ├── clean-container-runtime.sh # remove container runtime binaries on target hosts
│   └── init-registry.sh # initialize registry on local registry's deploy-hosts
└── applications # applications put here
│   ├── redis
│   └── mysql

Using cloud rootfs to build a base cloudImage:

FROM scratch
COPY . .
sealer build -t kuberntes:v1.18.3 .


FROM kubernetes:1.18.3
COPY preHook.sh /scripts/

preHook.sh will execute after init.sh before kubeadm init master0


registry container name must be 'sealer-registry'

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