103: OpenIM 🚀 Quick Start

You can quickly learn OpenIM engineering solutions, all it takes is one simple command:

$ make demo

🤲 In order to facilitate the user experience, we have provided a variety of deployment solutions, you can choose your own deployment method according to the list below:

Deploying with Docker Compose

docker compose will not be maintained in future versions, but it is still the easiest and most convenient way to organize docker compose deployments into a separate project https://github.com/openim-sigs/openim-docker to maintain.

1. Clone the project

# choose what you need, We take branch 3.2 as an example
$ BRANCH=release-v3.2
$ git clone -b $BRANCH https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server openim/openim-server && export openim_dir=$(pwd)/openim && cd ${openim_dir}/openim-server

Note If you don't know OpenIM's versioning policy, 📚Read our release policy: https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/blob/main/docs/conversions/version.md

2. Configure the config file

If you tried to get started quickly with make demo, then you know that our config file is generated by automation.

You can use make init to quickly initialize a configuration file

$ make init
$ git diff

Then feel free to modify your current config file, you can also modify /scripts/install/environment.sh document template, make init is essentially rendering environment.sh template, and then through the make init to automatically generate a new configuration.

If you only need to change the config file for a short time, or if you don't want to make any major changes in the future, you can modify the `.env file directly

USER=root 								#no need to modify
PASSWORD=openIM123  					#A combination of 8 or more numbers and letters, this password applies to redis, mysql, mongo, as well as accessSecret in config/config.yaml
ENDPOINT= 		#minio's external service IP and port, or use the domain name storage.xx.xx, the app must be able to access this IP and port or domain,
API_URL= 	#the app must be able to access this IP and port or domain,
DATA_DIR=./  							#designate large disk directory

3. Deploy and start


You can deploy either directly with make install or with docker compose up, the logic is the same

$ make install
# OR
$ docker-compose up
  1. Check the service
$ make check

Looking at the command line at this point, there are two items in the output, checking for the start of the component port that OpenIM depends on, and the start of the OpenIM core component

Compile from Source

Ur need Go 1.18 or higher version, and make.

go version && make --version || echo "Error: One of the commands failed."

Version Details: https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/blob/main/docs/conversions/version.md

# choose what you need
$ BRANCH=release-v3.1
$ git clone -b $BRANCH https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server openim && export openim=$(pwd)/openim && cd $openim && make start

make help to help you see the instructions supported by OpenIM.

Use make check to check all component starts

$ make check

You can use the make help-all see OpenIM in action.

Component Configuration Instructions The `config/config.yaml` file has detailed configuration instructions for the storage components.

The config file is available via environment.shopen in new window configuration openim.yamlopen in new window template, and then through the make init to automatically generate a new configuration.

  • Zookeeper

    • Used for RPC service discovery and registration, cluster support.

        schema: openim                          #Not recommended to modify
        address: [ ]             #address
        username:                               #username
        password:                               #password
  • MySQL

    • Used for storing users, relationships, and groups, supports master-slave database.

        address: [ ]            #address
        username: root                          #username
        password: openIM123                     #password
        database: openIM_v2                     #Not recommended to modify
        maxOpenConn: 1000                       #maximum connection
        maxIdleConn: 100                        #maximum idle connection
        maxLifeTime: 60                         #maximum time a connection can be reused (seconds)
        logLevel: 4                             #log level 1=slient 2=error 3=warn 4=info
        slowThreshold: 500                      #slow statement threshold (milliseconds)
  • Mongo

    • Used for storing offline messages, supports mongo sharded clusters.

        uri:                                    #Use this value directly if not empty
        address: [ ]            #address
        database: openIM                        #default mongo db
        username: root                          #username
        password: openIM123                     #password
        maxPoolSize: 100                        #maximum connections
  • Redis

    • Used for storing message sequence numbers, latest messages, user tokens, and mysql cache, supports cluster deployment.

        address: [ ]            #address
        username:                               #username
        password: openIM123                     #password
  • Kafka

    • Used for message queues, for message decoupling, supports cluster deployment.

        username:                               #username
        password:                               #password
        addr: [ ]                #address
          topic: "latestMsgToRedis"
          topic: "offlineMsgToMongoMysql"
          topic: "msqToPush"
          topic: "msgToModify"
          msgToRedis: redis
          msgToMongo: mongo
          msgToMySql: mysql
          msgToPush: push
          msgToModify: modify
Deployed with kubernetes

read: https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/blob/main/deployments/README.md

Open IM Ports
TCP PortDescriptionOperation
TCP:10001ws protocol, message port such as message sending, pushing etc, used for client SDKPort release or nginx reverse proxy, and firewall off
TCP:10002api port, such as user, friend, group, message interfaces.Port release or nginx reverse proxy, and firewall off
TCP:10005Required when choosing minio storage (openIM uses minio storage by default)Port release or nginx reverse proxy, and firewall off
Open Chat Ports
  • chat warehouse: https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/chat
TCP PortDescriptionOperation
TCP:10008Business system, such as registration, login etcPort release or nginx reverse proxy, and firewall off
TCP:10009Management backend, such as statistics, banning etcPort release or nginx reverse proxy, and firewall off