第32节 horizon issues #46

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helm install --set host

What would you like to be added:

helm 在腾讯云安装时候,需要改变hosts,文档告知 helm --set 对用户比较好,同时一些外部以来如gitlabregistry可选安装


  • https://artifacthub.io/packages/search?ts_query_web=horizon+&sort=relevance&page=1


  • https://github.com/horizoncd/helm-charts/

必须安装Helmopen in new window才能使用图表。请参阅 Helm 的文档open in new window以开始使用。

正确设置 Helm 后,按如下方式添加存储库:

❯ helm repo add horizon https://horizoncd.github.io/helm-charts

然后您可以运行helm search repo horizon以查看图表。

❯ helm search repo horizon
NAME                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                       
horizon/horizon         2.1.1           v2.0.5          A CICD DevOps Platform                            
horizon/gitlab          2.0.2           15.5.1          GitLab Community Edition                          
horizon/tektoncd        2.1.0           0.28.0          Helm chart for Tekton pipelines,Tekton trigger...

所有Horizonopen in new window社区Helmopen in new window图表的源代码都可以在 Github 上找到:https://github.com/horizo ncd/helm-charts/open in new window

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